Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Interns Thus Far

hey guys, so first of all i realized that people think i'm super funny and like my video post so I will continue to do those even though i fell really awkward doing them. if you are reading this please take the time to be one of my followers of my blog and comment and let me know what you think. as I told you in the video, we have three total hired interns but as of yesterday we have a new member to the group. Her name is Blayne Jesse. she is a good friend of Brynn and is a pretty chill girl. i got to hang with her for a few days up here in MN when she came to visit with brynn and Tim (another friend of ours). just the time i spent with her she just seemed like a really cool person who loves to have fun and hang with the crew, not to mention she is very fashionable. she will be a great fit with our group this summer and bring a new fresh perspective. im getting ready for the summer more and more each passing day but i have to remember that what i will bw doing this summer is to enhance the Kingdom and in no way am I to get any of the glory. we all should think that about ourselves in our everyday life. LIVE FOR HIM AND NOT FOR YOU!!!


follwnkj said...

Dude...i love the video blogs...u are hilarious!

Also, it sounds like you got quite a team thus far! Gelling is always good! And, if a person is fashionable..you know they are higher on David's Fav 5! LOL!

Keep it up dude..Living for the King!